
Volvo repair shop furnishings

DEA flanked Volvo in its pursuit of solutions for its modernization projects, and came up with the best solutions for furnishing its repair shops. The excellent results are certainly owed to the thorough CAD analysis of the environment during the design phase, which served to gain a full understanding of the client’s needs. The all-Italian design provides for the perfect integration of the repair shop workbenches, thus ensuring maximum efficiency for the repair shop itself.

For one particular project, DEA was asked to make the extra effort of renovating an entire repair shop by optimizing the spaces and installing diversified solutions for each environment to improve performance. One major challenge was posed by the need to have the same configuration for all the compositions, in order to allow all the mechanics have all the same equipment available at the different workstations. The high quality and usage flexibility of the DEA repair shop workbench even allowed for an excellent compromise to be reached for the installation of the spools and the monitor zone within the same block of the repair shop furnishings. This project is a further testament to our leadership in the customization of mechanical repair shops for all major automakers.

The following articles describe the projects designed and carried out by DEA for the Volvo repair shops.